2007年4月18日 星期三

Summary Of "Banks Of the Ohio"

Situation: There are one man and one woman in the story. They are couples. But the woman killed her lover.

Conflict: She loves him, but she killed him.

Suffer: After she killed him, she cried that “My god, what have I done?”

Outcome: The man is dead. And he would not take the woman for his bride.

Meaning: I think that choosing lover is important. If I did a wrong choice, I think I will die.

Summary Of "Missing Piece Meets the Big O"

Situation: This story is written by Shel Silverstein and it is about a missing piece. He was lost, and he wanted to find the one who can fit him.

Conflict: He tried to look for the one who can fit him. But he could not.

Suffer: And then, he found the Big O. But the Big O told him that perhaps you can roll by yourself.

Outcome: Though he has sharp corners; he tried to roll by himself. He lifted, pulled, and flopped. Finally, his sharp corners disappeared and he became round.

Meaning: I think that I have to be independent. Sometimes maybe I can learn a lesson from a mistake.

Summary Of "Hurry, Hurry, Mary Dear"

Situation: The book was written by N.M.Bodecker and it was illustrated by Erik Bleguad. The main character of this story is called Mary. Her husband, Danish, hates winter. So he did not help Mary do any housework. He just sat and asked Mary to do the all things. For instances: picking the apples, dilling the pickles, digging the turnips, smoking the hams, and etc.

Conflict: Because Danish was afraid of winter. So Mary had to do the all things reluctantly.

Suffer: As a wife, even though she did not want to do the all things, she had no choice but to do.

Outcome: Finally, Mary decided not to do the all things. She wanted to be herself and did not want to be controled by others. Therefore, she became independent.

Reation: At first glance, when I saw the cover and the title "Hurry, Hurry, Mary Dear" of this book, I think maybe it is an interesting story. After reading the story, I think that my feeling is right. It is really a good story. But I also learn a lesson fom it. In the story, the woman who is called Mary, I think she is so poor. In this modern society, gender discrimination still exists. But I think it is wrong. Women and men should be treated equally.

2007年4月9日 星期一

Reflection Of "The Missing Piece Meets the Big O"

I read the story before, and I think it is a cute story.

At first, the missing piece was too shy to be independent. But when the Big O told him something, he became active and tried to do by himself. Finally, he succeeded.

After reading the story again, I think that everything is possible. Even it is a difficult thing, but if you have the will, you will succeed. It is said that "Where there is a will, there is a way."

2007年4月4日 星期三

The Story of Tom’s Diner

One morning, a singer who was called “Susan” was bored so she would like to go out to have a cup of coffee. Therefore, she came to a coffee-shop. And she picked a seat which was at the corner and ordered a cup of coffee. It was a raining day. So she looked outside and found a person come in. The person shakes her umbrella. And I saw a woman and a man. They were kissing. I pretended to not see them. Therefore, I poured the milk. And the rain will continue. I am thinking of her voice. And when I finished my coffee, I stood up and came to catch the train. (Time: 8 min, 113 words)

2007年4月1日 星期日

Summary Of "Teachers just do not understand"

This is a story about Mrs. Johnson who is not only a woman career but also a mother. There are three persons in her family includes Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Johnson, and their daughter who is called Ann. Mrs. Johnson is a teacher. Mr. Johnson is a worker. And he always works the night shift at the factory. Their daughter, Ann, has been sick since she was born. Because Mrs. always has to stay late to take care of her daughter, she always goes to school late. Therefore, a lot of troubles happen. The impressive thing they did is that Mrs. Johnson asked her student “Ronnie” to hand in the homework. And he said that "I just don't, Mrs. Johnson. I didn't have a chance to do it. There was a lot of trouble in my house last night. I just couldn't get to it." I think it is funny.

At the beginning, I think this story is a little sad. They are worried about the heath of Ann. I realize that the love of parents is so precious. But as a teacher, I do not think that her behaviors are right. Teachers should not bring their personal feelings to school. Because I think it is unfair to students. On the other hand, I also believe that it is not easy to control our tempter.