2007年6月12日 星期二

Script writing

Summary: Tom and Mary were couples. After a few years, they decided to marry and had two children. Therefore, they had a happy family. But, one day, Tom had some wine and he was drunk. So he always beat Mary. But strange to say, he always bought the flowers for Mary after the quarrels. She could not endure him anymore because he had a strange temper. The worst of all, he had a love affair. So she decided to divorce.
Characters: Tom (the husband), Mary (the wife), David (the older son), Ben (the younger son)

Scene 1:
(The door is opened by Tom.)
Tom: Darling, where are you? I am coming.
(Mary is hurried and went out the kitchen.)
Mary: I cook dinner in the kitchen. And the dinner is ready to eat.
(Mary smiles at Tom.)
Tom: Woo. I am so hungry. (He touches his belly.)
Mary: Wait ten minutes. (She walks into the kitchen again.)
(After about ten minutes, Mary takes a delicious dish to the table.)
Mary: Baby, can you help me?
Tom: Of course. (He is so happy.)

Scene 2:
(After finishing the dinner, they are watching TV happily in the living room.)
Tom: Hey, darling. May I have some fruits? (He touches his belly again.)
(She laughs and walks into the kitchen again.)
Mary: Ha-ha. Honey, you are so cute.

Scene 3:
(The baby is crying.)
Mary: Ben, do not cry. Okay? (She is so anxious.)
David: Mom, Why does Ben cry? (Out of his curiosity, he asks his mom.)
Mary: David, call your dad. Your little brother must be sick. (She almost cries.)

Scene 4:
(Ben is sent to the hospital. Tom and Mary are worried.)
Tom: Please do not let David and Ben stay at home alone, okay? (He is angry.)
Mary: There are not all my faults. (She is angry, too.)
Tom: I have told you that I do not hope you work outside.
Mary: I do not want to make a quarrel with you for the same thing.
(Mary cries and walks out the hospital.)

Scene 5:
(They have come home at nine PM.)
(Mary does not say anything and closes the door loudly.)
(And at the same time, Tom does not go to his room and just sits on the sofa in the living room.)
(All the night, they can not fall asleep.)
(There is something ideas in their head.)

Scene 6:
(When Mary is ready to go to her office and she walks out the door.)
Tom: Mary, I think we have to find how to solve this big problem.
(Mary comes back and looks his face seriously.)
Mary: It is no use. I do not want to talk to you. (She looks impatient.)
Tom: Shit. (And he beats Mary rudely.)
(Mary stares at him with surprise.)
Mary: Why? I do not do anything wrong, do I?
(Tom does not say anything and goes out.)
(Mary just cries non-stop.)

Scene 7:
(After beating Mary, he feels sorry for her. And on his way home, he goes to the flower- shop and buys a bunch of flowers for his wife, Mary.)
(About twenty minutes, Tom has come home.)
(Mary just sits on the sofa and does not look at him.)
(Tom pretends that something does not happen.)
Tom: Baby, The flowers are for you. Look, they are beautiful.
Mary: Why?
Tom: What do you mean?
Mary: Do not pretend that you do not know what happened before. (She is angry.)
Tom: Sorry. I am too impulsive. There are all my faults. Forgive me, okay?
Mary: Could you promise that you will not make the same mistake again? (She looks distrustful.)
Tom: Yes, I promise that I will not make the same mistake again. Trust me, could you? (He is so serious.)
Mary: Oh. (She cries non- stop again.)
(And then, Tom gives her a warm hug.)

Scene 8:
(After a month, one day, suddenly Tom has an idea. Therefore, he wears a pink apron and prepares to cook dinner for his family.)
(When Mary comes back, Tom is singing a song gaily in the kitchen.)
Mary: Honey?
Tom: Yes. I am here. (He smiles at Mary happily.)

Scene 9:
(One day, Mary goes to the restaurant to celebrate her colleague’s birthday. On the way to the restaurant, she suddenly finds that the man who is kissing a beautiful girl is familiar. The worst of all, the man is her husband, Tom.)
Mary: Tom. What are you doing? (She cries and slaps him across the face.)
(He is embarrassed and ducks his head without saying anything.)
The beautiful girl: Oh, I have to go. (Seeing that Mary is coming in anger, the girl leaves right away.)

Scene 10
(They are at home and sitting on the sofa.)
Mary: I can endure you no longer. (She cries non- stop again.)
Tom: I am sorry. (He looks so sad.)
(After thinking a long time, she decides.)
Mary: I think we should divorce. (Her face is ashen- faced.)
(Tom does not say anything. He just keeps silence. After a long time, suddenly he also decides.)
Tom: I love you, so I hope that you can be happy. If getting divorce, you will be happier than now. Then, let’s go to divorce right now. (He smiles at Mary.)

